Sunrise Rotary at the Beginning
by Jerry Zahradnik- Charter Member
The first year of our club Darrel Berry was president and did a great job of keeping everyone motivated while he was learning what Rotary was, and what a Rotary president was supposed to do. The members fron C.R.West Rotary were a big help to us in those days.
I have fond memories of the summer picnics that we had in the first few years. Excellent steaks cooked by all and an abundance of raffle items made the occassions a lot of fun. I think that these were always held at Pinicon Ridge Park. In those old days I seemed to win a raffle prize every year. Since then I think that I have won only once.
I remember going to the riverboat in the Quad Cities with the Rotary group. That was back when there was a limit on the amount that you could gamble/loose. Times sure have changed!
I also remember having our annual meeting of the club in the Amanas. I don't remember which restrauant it was but I believe it was The Ox Yoke. This may have been the second or third year.
Make-A-Wish has always been such an important part of our club. It is so gratifying to see this support for this to continue. I have fun memories of washing pots and pans at the chilli suppers. I miss being there for this event but the lure of warm temperatures have kept me away the past 8 years.
In the beginning our meetings were held at Collins Plaza Hotel probably because one of our members at that time was Linda Stone would was a manager at the hotel. Several of our Christmas parties were also held at the Collins Plaza.
I remember a very special Christmas Party that we held at Brucemore and had our food catered. The common thing about all Christmas Parties has been Diane at the piano and she played at Brucemore also.
Inbound exchange students have provided our club with some fun and trying moments. We started out with students nearly every year in the beginning. Who could forget Frannie and the fun she brought to the families that she shared?
Jerry Zahradnik - Charter Member