What's coming up? Are you curious about a topic? Send ideas to, or call Lynette and Bruce, with an expert's name! This is sent only to our Newsletter recipients: - Upcoming in May:
- Visit Matthew 25 Urban Farm
- Dave VerWoert - Health Care Reform 10 years later
- June:
- June 6 - T rees Forever
- June 13 - Pending
- June 20 - Americans for Prosperity – Transmission Line bidding and our electric bills
- President Transition to Bob Schell on June 27
Your ideas - not yet Scheduled. Recommended experts and be an organizer! Give us your feedback on: - History: Need an Organizer! Shall we meet Thursday morning or evening? Off-site at CR History Center? They have a bar.
- Pickleball Palace: Need an Organizer! Better to visit. Morning? After work social? Demos of pickleball, etc.
- Banking today: Dave Stoltenberg
- Retirement Strategies: Recommend some experts... Its about the money.... but also much more!