Club Information
Cedar Rapids Sunrise

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:00 a.m.
Matthew 25 Groundswell Cafe
201 3rd Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
United States of America
We are meet at Matthew 25 Groundswell Cafe, 201 3rd Ave SW, Cedar Rapids. Order your breakfast on your way into the meeting, as our guest!
Home Page Stories
Blood Drive!  Sign-up today!
The current blood drive is from November 18 through November 29thGive this week and it should still count! 
Click to Register at either Cedar Rapids Donor Center:
Please mention that you are donating for the “Rotary Blood Drive Challenge” (Give them "code 2719").
Why should you donate blood?
  1. Save Lives: One blood donation can save up to three lives. Blood is essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries.
  2. Health Benefits for Donors: Donating blood can provide health benefits such as reducing iron levels, which may lower the risk of heart disease.
  3. Community Support: Blood donations help maintain a stable blood supply, which is crucial for hospitals and emergency services.
  4. Emotional Well-being: Helping others can improve your emotional well-being, reduce stress, and provide a sense of belonging.
  5. Burn Calories: Donating blood can burn up to 650 calories per donation.
  6. Donations drop by around 20% during holiday weeks. Your donation will ensure that all patients have the treatment they need no matter what time of year!
Never donated before? Check out these tips…
How to prepare for your blood donation:
  1. Eat good meals for breakfast and lunch the day of the drive (choose healthy, well rounded meals with lean protein, greens, and whole grains)
  2. Drink plenty of water the day before and the day of the drive (at least 8 glasses of water per day)
  3. Bring your Photo ID
Tips for boosting your iron levels: one to two weeks before the drive, try adding in some foods such as lean meats, plenty of leafy greens, lentils, chickpeas, and whole grains.
  • Programs Weekly at Matthew 25: 
> Dec 5 - No meeting.  Evening holiday party at Biaggi's Ristorante 
> Dec 12 - Dean Houdeshell - Innovative Coaching Strategies.  (Marion East CR Rotarian)
> Dec 19 - No morning meeting.  Meet at the CR Art Museum - 5pm Talk, Tour, Adult Social
> Dec 26 - No meeting.
> Jan 2 - Meet our Rotary Global Scholar Applicant- Ashton Knatz
> Jan 23 - John Wasta, Rotary Foundation Updates
Dec 5, Sunrise evening Rotary Christmas Party - No Rotary Meeting that morning.
Dec 7, Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Hobby Lobby - Signup Genius is coming soon.
  •  Recent Program and Event Highlights: 
> Nov 21 - Jenny Bosking - "The ARC" and wonderful services they provide to our area. 
> Nov 14- Evan Schmidtke "Chain Reaction Bike Hub" renovating, selling and donating bicycles. 
> Nov 7 - Erick Harris "Terracon" long history of growth and services
> Oct 31 - Chad Schumacher CR School Operations - new school facilities presentation. We also welcomed the Superintendent and Finance Director! 

Last week for blood drive! See below.  
Program/Speaker suggestions are always welcome.  Contact Bruce Lindholm or email
We hold our weekly meeting at 7am Thursdays at Matthew 25, 201 3rd Ave SW., Cedar Rapids, Iowa   All are welcome!
Kimberley Dickey, the Duane Arnold Solar project developer manager, presented their Duane Arnold I and II projects to our club earlier this year.
From our warm reception for her, we were invited to visit the Duane Arnold Solar II project site under construction, in July.  That project update is here.  
A recent public meeting introduced the Duane Arnold IV project, as reported here. It may be sized about the same at Duane Arnold I and II together.   Solar is becoming an alternative to wind turbines for clean energy. 
Cedar Rapids Gazette Photo
Every year in the last week of June, Matthew 25 organizes volunteer teams from business, non-profits and clubs to work on home improvement projects.   The homeowners are challenged with funding and physical abilities, and are grateful for project teams who can fix, paint, replace and 'clean up' older homes! Up to 150 volunteer team members from many organizations made a big difference every day that week. 
This year Sunrise Rotary members joined the Lin-Mar High School Robotics Team on a project, to clean up the landscaping of weeks, brush, dig out old steel fencing, remove/haul away some trash and planting grass and flowers.  Photos of the boys (and our new President Bob Schell) highlight the "after" pictures.  Lunch was served to the 150 volunteers at Matthew 25.  

We forgot to get 'before' pictures of the yard! 






The Rotary Year summary on June 25, 2024
President Lynette Markofski reviewed our many accomplishments of the 12 months ending.   
Incoming President Bob Schell received the president's gavel and our charter certificate. 
Club Secretary Ben Stutt was honored with Darrel Berry Rotarian of the Year award.  Ben handled the Secretary duties AND led the Annual Sunrise Rotary Golf Fundraiser!  Both were great accomplishments. 
Our new Rotary Year begins July 1.  Congratulations to all Rotary Members and Rotary Families! 
Fall 2024 Shakespeare Garden Cleanup is postponed due to construction. 
Sunrise and West Rotary Clubs joined the Shakespeare Garden volunteers April 20 for a clean up effort. 
The Shakespeare Garden is our 2024-2025 Linn County Rotary Community Project, funding major improvements and supported by ALL Eight Linn County Iowa Rotary Clubs! 
The metal gateway feature was fabricated by Marion/East Cedar Rapids Club, Rotarian Tom Barnes (Barnes Mfg, Marion, IA), and installed at the Ellis Boulevard entrance in June 2024! 
Other updated features are shown below. 
Fundraising continues for this beautiful riverside garden!
Sunrise Rotary and Families Helping Families joined forces and hosted a great Golf Event on May 23
22 teams competed for fun-prizes on a beautiful spring day! 
A report will be coming from the golf committee and FHF in the week ahead. 


After nearly 90 days they are HOME!!!!

Cedar Rapids Gazette front page article April 9:  Read or Print PDF

Use this link to Donate!   Contribute to Rotary Foundation - Polio Fund! 
Read their story, see photos, share the Facebook page with friends.
Peter Teahen and John Ockenfels raised awareness for polio eradication by piloting a single engine aircraft all the way around the globe! 
Peter and John departed from Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 5, 2023 in a Cessna T210M (single engine) airplane. Along the way, they attended events and encourage support of ending polio forever throughout the world.
YOU can promote the completed flight, start conversations, and encourage Polio funds for Rotary with friends and strangers!  
Rotarians and friends in D6000 and D5970 are promoting awareness and this fundraising effort. Donations will go toward PolioPlus Fund. 
Peter and John arrived home July 30 and are reunited with their spouses!
The crowd moving out to greet the brave Rotarian pilots!

Great News from our District Governor:

I am excited to share that the 120th Rotary International Convention will be hosted just to our north in Minneapolis, MN May 26-30, 2029!

More than 15,000 Rotary members and participants from around the world will gather in the Twin Cities to connect, learn from each other and various experts, and share ideas for bringing positive, lasting change to communities across the globe. 
Along with our sister District 6000, I have expressed to the host committee that D5970 will assist where needed. In my visits this year I have spoken about how RI Conventions have influenced me personally and how they show the impact Rotary has around the globe.
I invite you to take advantage of this opportunity, when it’s so close, to experience what a difference Rotarians make worldwide!
Sunrise Rotary awarded these THREE grants.  They were funded 50% by our fundraising and 50% by the Rotary Foundation.
  • Catherine McAuley Center.   Equip their new childcare center, enabling parents to learn without distractions. 
  • Abbe Health/Aging Services.  Prepare at-home older adults to use tablets to connect to others. 
  • ChildServe Coralville.  Assist with purchasing Speech Therapy Apps to help non-verbal children. 
Sunrise Rotarian volunteers engaged on completing these projects AND volunteered with the organizations in their critical work. 

When asked this morning, "why are you a member of the Sunrise Rotary?" here are some member responses:

  • "I like the impact we have locally AND internationally"
  • "Carrying out service above self."
  • "I like the local service projects and the community relationship that comes from serving."
  • "It's an opportunity to grow in leadership and make a difference in the lives I care about."
  • "Interpersonal development, networking, and making a difference."
  • "Learning about local organizations and the services they provide this community."
We invite you to be part of the exciting service projects, amazing network, and morning breakfast meetings. If you are interested in learning more, please message us! Visit our Sunrise Rotary Facebook Page to learn more!  Contact us at


Dean Houdeshell - Innovative Coaching Strategies
Dec 12, 2024 7:00 AM
Unlocking your potential with Innovative Coaching Strategies
Evening Meeting
Dec 19, 2024
We are meeting at the CR Art Museum 5pm
No Morning Meeting
Dec 26, 2024
Enjoy your Christmas Holiday!
Ashton Knatz
Jan 02, 2025
Global Grant Scholarship Candidate!
Greg Neumeyer - Robins Economic Devel Director
Jan 09, 2025 7:00 AM
New developments in the city of Robins
John Wasta
Jan 23, 2025
Rotary Foundation
Sara Mentzer - Director Marketing & Development
Jan 30, 2025 7:00 AM
New Prairie Point YMCA Project
Join Great People at Rotary! 
Are you looking for a way to engage in the Cedar Rapids area community?   Serve alongside some great Rotarians!   
Check us out.  Visit our weekly meetings, any Thursday morning at 7:00 AM.   Just walk in - breakfast is on us.  Matthew 25/Groundswell Cafe.  201 3rd Street SW, Cedar Rapids IA
Contact us directly.   Click to Email or our Membership Chair, Eric Harris
Share your profile with us using this Profile form. It is limited to our Membership Chair and Club Secretary. 
Not sure yet which club to consider? Start your inquiry at our Rotary Leads portal and we will talk and point you to one or more clubs.  
Upcoming Events
Club Executives & Directors
Foundation Chair
Club Grants Management
Programs Chair
Club Social Activities
Immediate Past President
Service Projects
Club Public Image